
Darrell Issa calls for a special prosecutor over Trump’s Russian connections

The Republican Congressman says Jeff Sessions needs to move out of the way.


Darrell Issa calls for a special prosecutor over Trump’s Russian connections

The Republican Congressman says Jeff Sessions needs to move out of the way.

Darrell Issa calls for a special prosecutor over Trump’s Russian connections

The Republican Congressman says Jeff Sessions needs to move out of the way.

It’s hard to completely enjoy anything Bill Maher does these days. After hosting pederasty-proponent Milo Yiannopoulos and referring to him as a “young Christopher Hitchens,” while agreeing trans people are “weirdos,” he tends to leave a sour taste in your mouth. But it’s worth taking note of his exchange this evening with Republican Congressman Darrell Issa when they get into the topic of Trump’s ties to Russia.

When he presses the representative on how Congress will proceed with investigations, Issa is strikingly clear. “We’re going to ask the intelligence committees of the house and senate to investigate the special areas they can see.” And in his eyes, newly appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not in the picture. “You cannot have somebody… who was on the campaign and who was an appointee, you’re going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office,” Issa said. He goes on to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he runs “a gas station with the economy the size of Italy,” and referring to him as a murderer and a “bad guy.”

The clip is rather electrifying. Watch it below.