This is my repository for Taio - a markdown-based, scriptable text editor on iOS.
Please feel free to use/distribute anything in here - including original content - as per the terms of “The Unlicense, Dave Edition.”
Post to a blog (“collection” and copy the URL of the result to the clipboard. (Set your auth token and collection slug manually before running.)
Action | Key |
Show/Hide sidebar | ⌘ E |
Toggle Minimal Editor | ⌃ ⇧ M |
Open Files | ⌘ O |
Open Quickly | ⌘ ⇧ O |
Close File | ⌘ W |
New File | ⌘ N |
New Tab | ⌘ T |
Next Tab | ⌘ ⌥ → |
Previous Tab | ⌘ ⌥ ← |
Reveal in Explorer | ⌘ ⇧ J |
Find in Document | ⌘ F |
Show Outline | ⌃ ⌘ O |
Toggle Preview | ⌘ P |
Run Actions | ⌘ R |
Font Size
Action | Key |
Increase Font Size | ⌘ + |
Decrease Font Size | ⌘ - |
Reset Font Size | ⌘ 0 |
Text Formatting
Action | Key |
Toggle Bold | ⌘ B |
Toggle Italic | ⌘ I |
Toggle Underline | ⌘ U |
Toggle Strikethrough | ⌘ D |
Toggle Heading Level | ⌘ 1 ~ 6 |
Text Editing
Action | Key |
Save File | ⌘ S |
Move Lines Up | ⌘ ⌥ ↑ |
Move Lines Down | ⌘ ⌥ ↓ |
Left Indent | ⌘ [ |
Right Indent | ⌘ ] |
Quick Actions
Action | Key |
Soft Break | ⇧ ↵ |
Insert Link | ⌘ K |
Open Link/File | ⌃ ⌘ O |
Insert Code Block | ⌃ ⌘ C |
You’ll find some as-yet-officially-submitted .taioactions files in the actions directory. Here’s a brief index with hyperlinks to the raw file download URL for install: